Meet the Team Anstey LIRFs
Frankie Sutherington
I joined the club back in 2014, right when it started. I think there was around 15 of us, some which had been running for a while and some like me complete beginners. I've had lots of roles within the club including Social Secretary when the club was formed, Captain, Vice Captain and now back in as Captain.
I became a run leader in 2015. I love to set hill and pacing sessions as well as challenging routes around the local area. Getting people involved in lots of different sessions is my aim. I like to see people improve and get a buzz when they see their times coming down, after all who doesn't love a PB. I also love the social side of running, especially the summer evenings over Bradgate where it doesn't matter if we stop to take in the views, we're all out doing what we love and that's the main thing. |
Andy Cooper
I joined Team Anstey at the beginning of 2015 when I saw people running around Anstey and that my mate Mark Young was a member and said come along you will enjoy it.
I became a LIRF after I was selected as club Vice Captain. I had been with the club for a while and saw a lot of changes and there was a need for new committee members. I wanted to help with the races and club nights and so Vice Captain was a great way to get involved. Part of the role was to be a LIRF and I have never looked back since. I like all my LIRF responsibilities but my favourite will be the club nights and running with new and old members. I like leading the session out on Stadon Road and chatting and having a good run with everyone. |
Paul Cohen
I have been a member of Team Anstey since 2016 after completing the C25K program. Since then, I have experienced all of the joys of being a club runner.
I have represented the club in both league and cross-country races from distances of 5m up to half marathon. Without being a member of the club, I would never have had the drive or been inspired to train for and run a marathon. All of this made me want to give back to my fellow club members and become a LIRF. I enjoy both the pacing and running sessions we provide to our members and always enjoy making sure nobody gets lost along the way. |
Neill Carman
Penny Robb
I joined Team Anstey on their C25K programme in 2016 and have never looked back. Since then I have participated in the cross country and Leicestershire road league races for Team Anstey, alongside many other races across the country.
I decided to become a LIRF as I want to be able to pass on the encouragement, support and positivity I have been shown on my running journey. This is so important as it helps build confidence and belief that anything is possible. My favourite thing about being a LIRF is being able to be part of a great running club; Team Anstey and make sure everyone gets the most out of their run. |
Sadie Baldwin
I joined Team Anstey in 2016 on their c25k. I had recently moved to the village and it was a great way to get fit while making new friends.
I decided to become a LIRF as I wanted to get more involved with the club and give something back. I'm looking forward to leading a training session. |
Grace Ladkin
I joined Team Anstey in February 2022 after developing a love for running through the pandemic but wanted to train and achieve more which I knew a club could help and support me with.
Since then I have run distances that were unimaginable to me, took part in league races as well as achieving lots of personal bests, all with the clubs support. I decided to become a LIRF as I wanted to help other club members achieve amazing things and to inspire and encourage others! Being a part of Team Anstey is great! |
Rebecca Wells
I joined Team Anstey in 17th April 2018. I didn't do C25K, instead I went straight from a non runner to club runs with my first session being a pacing session. But everyone was so supportive and kind I just kept coming back.
I wanted to become a LIRF to give something back to the team that have helped me in so many ways. I want to support other and help them to achieve their running goals in the same way others LIRFs have done for me. I want to help other realise that runners are not defined by their pace, speed, how far you run or what they look like. Running is about getting out the front door and doing it. |
Paul Sharratt