Meet the Team Anstey Committee 2024 - 2025
Club Captain:
Frankie Sutherington As Captain, Frankie will be providing guidance and motivation on training events, ensuring that all new and existing members are well informed with regards to training on the night and future activities. Frankie will arrange training events and the routes that runners will take on training nights, ensuring routes are varied in terms of how challenging they are. Frankie will also be there to provide motivation and guidance along the way, as well as warm-up and cool down exercises.
Club Vice Captain:
Jack Brooks As Vice-Captain, Jack will work alongside Frankie with regards to ensuring that as a club we are supporting, inspiring and motivating members on training events. Jack will act as a leader for the club in the absence of Frankie at league races or other events.
Penny Robb Penny will chair all committee meetings for the club, as well as raise the agenda and set the dates for each meeting. As Chair, Penny will make sure that the committee follows through on all our actions and ensure we maintain focused on the priorities decided at committee meetings.
Club Secretary:
James Westhead The role of Club Secretary involves James being the clubs contact to England Athletics in regards to ensuring that guidance and protocols are followed. He is responsible to for taking the minutes at our committee meetings, handling any inquiries, and with the membership secretary support arranges the London Marathon Ballot. James will attend the LRRL committee meetings, feeding back any changes in their rules and regulations to the team.
Membership Secretary:
Mark Bywater As Membership Secretary, Mark will be taking in the membership forms that our new members fill out, and ensuring that their payment is received by the club. He will also be actively promoting club membership, and reminding existing members about renewal dates.
Lisa March As Club Treasurer, Lisa will ensure that the club finances are all in order, and that we remain a financially viable club. This involves preparing estimates of expenditure and income and budgets and submitting financial reports to each club Committee meeting.
Welfare Officer:
Caz Elkins We are keen to ensure our club offers support and guidance to all of our members. Members can raise any issues they might be facing with our welfare officers, who will be providing crucial support to suit the needs of our members.
Race Director:
Tim Pattison As Race Director, Tim is in charge of organising the Team Anstey Rotherby 8 mile race which is jointly shared with Wreake Runners and part of the Leicestershire League races for 2024.
Social Secretary:
Angela Cohen As a club, we want to ensure that it’s not all work and no play and that members get to know each other well and become a team who will go on to support each other in whatever direction your running takes you. For that reason, we will arrange social events throughout the year – Club presentation nights, socials, Christmas parties etc. Angela will ensure arrangements are sorted for any social events, and that all members are aware of dates/times and costs.
PR & Media Officer:
Katy Brennan It’s great to see how members are encouraging, supporting and inspiring other members through our Facebook page and other social media. With this in mind, our PR & Media Officer Katy will monitor this to ensure all content within the page is appropriate and of benefit to its members in relation to running and club activities/values. Katy will also seek to promote the club and membership to ensure that the club continues to grow.
Kit Manager:
Angela Wood Angela is responsible for our team kit. When an order is placed Angela will make sure we're ordering the correct item and deliver it to us.
Cross Country Captain:
Sharon Beck Sharon will act as a figurehead for the club at Cross Country races and takes care of all Cross Country related business.
Michelle Kershaw Michelle looks after our website by making sure everything is working smoothly. She'll also be making sure that up-to-date content is posted to keep new and existing members posted on club activity and information.